wife. momma of 2. hair stylist.

Friday, October 1, 2010

october love

LOVE this time of year. a light jacket is needed in the mornings and evenings and the days are just perfect enough that you never want to go inside. halloween is my second favorite holiday (next to Christmas) so being October 1st it was time to dig in the attic for my fall decorations. i've never done a mantel like this so it was really fun and inexpensive. a couple of small pumpkins from the grocery store, a happy halloween sign, vases and candles all from the dollar store and some candy corn and it looks great!

i also decided to paint the mirror i already had on the mantle. after five years i grew tired of looking at it so with some leftover paint from my kitchen and some paper towels it now has a whole new look.

i brushed on a light coat of paint then used a paper towel to blot it for a more aged look.

we also had a really fun day playing outside. so blessed to have 2 beautiful and healthy kids!

brynn's favorite thing is of course dress up and beck is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything!

Friday, September 24, 2010

the celebration begins

 here is my 3 year old (like the shirt?)

 we had an awesome day. nana was nice enough to watch little man for us so we could have a girls day. aunt jill met us at toys r us so she could pick out a few things. of course that consisted of more dress up clothes, books, and play doh.

then to chilis for lunch. she wasn't sure what to think of the singing when they brought her cake.

 then of course a manicure and pedicure.

the festivities don't stop there either. tonight will be her first experience at chuck e cheese and sunday is her party at build a bear. oh the life of a 3 year old!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

bow obsessed

i've been making some fun felt bows for my girl. i love working with felt. this is my latest creation:

i'm not gonna lie. i will probably be stealing the little bow from her.

how did we get here?

in 3 short years my sweet little girl has gone from this

(pardon the acne)

to this
sad to think that in the blink of an eye she is already 3. i take a step back every day and thank God for the beautiful little girl and family that i have.  i have enjoyed every minute diapers (thank God no more), book reading, dress up (yes she makes me wear a tutu), tea partys, and all other time with this angel. she has personality and character galore. her strong willed and stubborn traits are a bit of a challenge now but i think will serve her well later in life. couldn't have asked for a sweeter little girl and i can't wait to see what kind of girl she grows up to be.

p.s. i'm totally crying as i'm typing this :)

more biscuits please

i gave beck his first biter biscuit today. i didn't know what he would think about the texture since he's never had anything that hard. not only did he love it, he devoured it and cried when it was gone!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

birthday prep

my oldest turns 3 on friday(still hard to believe!) so i decided to make a special birthday shirt for her.
i started with a plain t-shirt, yummy cupcake fabric, and the number 3.
 i used heat n bond to create my own iron on. it's so simple to use!
last step is to iron it all on. if i hadn't worked til 8pm tonight and wasn't so tired i would stitch around the outside. maybe tomorrow night...
i think she'll love it!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

i'm gleeful!

i would love to say i'm one of those people who spends my evenings reading or doing something else productive but the truth is i do love tv. i'm so ready for my fall shows to start back. last night we sat through the event on nbc but i'm not sure that will be one we are following. looks like it might be going sci fi which is not my cup of tea. 2 of my favorites start tonight. the biggest loser and at the very top of my list glee!!! at least i can work on a project while watching tv right?

8 Months

Good morning

8 months have gone way too fast but none the less here is my little man. at 8 months he is sitting up, oh so close to crawling, grabbing everything in his reach, and can't stop babbling about dadadadada

Monday, September 20, 2010



this is how my little man fell asleep tonight. his ham hocks were definitely wedged in there! i'm so glad i went in there to check on him.


paci trading
Harlan is throwing up gang signs and Beck is showing off his guns

our friends heather and harlan were so gracious to invite us over for a play date today. even though the babes may have tried to steal each others pacifiers and my little girl may have gone into time out a time or two, we had a really good time.  i have a feeling these boys will be best buds. they already have a shared clothing style. it won't be long before they are running around together :)